Sorry it has been a while since my last post. As usual, life has been pretty crazy at the Schusted residence. We've been trying to enjoy the coldest October on record, I stress... trying.
The change in seasons is hard enough on Cole, especially when it happens so abruptly. A few weeks ago we did get the opportunity to take Cole on the Osceola Train. We tried this a few years ago and it was very difficult on us. This year it was a whole different story. We came a little better prepared this time around. We chose a train route that was only an hour long instead of 1-1/2 hours. We also brought with us grandparents, as well as my sister, her husband and two kiddos. Cole was SO excited.
He talked about riding the train for at least a week. He told everyone in sight. Finally the day arrived. He and Connor were elated to be able to ride with Grandpa and Grandma in their new truck. I think he just likes to call Pat and I from Grandpa's cool bluetooth phone in the truck. :-) We lucked out big time. There were only a handful of people on the train. It wasn't hectic at all to board (much unlike last time) and Cole seemed to have a better understanding of what was going to happen. He chose his spot right next to Grandpa. They snuggled, laughed and even got to lay their seats back and relax. We had snacks and hot chocolate. It was so fun to see how happy Cole was. He loved the train ride and thought it was so cool to have a lot of his family on board. We took turns walking around the train. Cole thought it was neat to explore. He got a kick out of the different train cars and looking out the windows. We just had so much fun!
It was rewarding for Pat and I see the progress in Cole. After the last train ride, we both swore we would not put ourselves through that again. I had so much pride watching Cole laugh and smile on the train. He talked about what was happening, where we were going and he was so patient and well-behaved. Yes, the taste of progress is really sweet.
The boys have enjoyed playing outside as much as possible this fall. Cole still is mowing a lot and lately he's been using Grandpa's tiller in our dirt. We've enjoyed some nice bonfires, too.
I think Cole's highlight of October was his play date with Adam. Adam is a friend of Cole's that he met while attending Fraser School. Adam had an extra set of tickets for the Wiggles concert and he asked if Cole and a PCA wanted to go with him. Cole was really excited. He got home and told us how he got to give Jeff a high-five and that Jeff also gave Cole a thumbs up! The PCA said Cole did an outstanding job. He sat nicely for 1-1/2 hours and participated every time it was requested of the audience.
The best part for me came from Adam's PCA. She used to work with Cole at Fraser Academy. She told our staff to inform Pat and I that "Cole is an entirely different kid. He has made so much progress and she was very impressed by his participation and behavior." As you can imagine, that was wonderful to hear!
Keep up the hard work Cole. It is paying off BIG TIME.
Like the sign Connor made for your room says.... "We love you Cole."
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