Over the past five years, Pat and I have always said that life with Cole is going one of two ways... we are either on a good wave or a rough wave. For the past four to six weeks, we've been on a good wave. Things have actually been quite good for longer than that, but spring has really made life a little easier in our often chaotic household.
The best thing for me has been the countless people who are commenting on Cole's progress. AKA, may favorite word of all time. You know how life is, you see certain people nearly every day and sometimes it's hard to see the change in people. Before you know it, you are getting wrinkles, your hair has more gray and your kids are outgrowing their shoes in three months time. After the hybernation of winter is over, I'm always amazed to see the kids in the neighborhood out playing. They grew a few inches, have a whole new set of tricks to show off and have gained a ton of knowledge. I've always said, "There is nothing more consistent than change."
With Cole it's different. Pat and I are constantly noticing the progress he makes. We talk about it several times a day. With our families, Cole is often the topic of conversation. It seems everyone wants to share the positive interaction or experience they've experienced with Cole. I think our entire family feels a lot of gratitude when they witness Cole's progress and his new capabilities. We all take pride in it and want to share the wonderful news.
It's especially fun when people who don't see Cole as often comment on how well he is doing. We had neighbors over this past weekend. They were so impressed with Cole's improved speech and his new social skills. We also have a PCA who works with Cole once a month. Cole saw her on Saturday and she herself commented on how well he is doing and the progress he's made in the past month. Another PCA felt compelled to call me to tell me what a wonderful job Cole did at the Mall of America recently. The two of them met a former Fraser Academy friend of Cole's and his PCA at the mall. Our PCA was so proud of Cole for playing so well and for acting and talking so appropriately with his friend. Even the transportation drivers comment on how well Cole is doing.
It is incredibly rewarding to see the progress ourselves and for others to notice it as well. As Cole's mom, I know how incredibly hard he works. I know first hand how much more difficult things are for Cole, things that most kids pick up automatically. Pat and I have no set goals or expectations for Cole. Our goal is to love him like crazy, turn over every stone while we're on this journey and treat him like he can achieve anything. We want to look back and know we did all we could for our guy. I think this attitude helps us really appreciate the progress Cole makes. Instead of being let down, we are constantly impressed and amazed by him. The future is unknown, but I do know it is BRIGHT.
I wanted to share some pictures of Cole and his cousins. We took the four boys to a park and let them ride their scooters down a grassy hill. They had SO much fun!! They took turns riding down the hill and scooting all around the paths. They even peed in the woods together, just like boys should! I love the picture of the boys on the bench. Cole loves his cousins and you can tell from the smile on his face that he was one happy boy that afternoon.
There is also a picture of Cole helping me make breakfast. He made the scrambled eggs almost completely by himself! He got all the ingredients and cracked the eggs (perfectly) by himself. He stirred them and added the salt, pepper and cheese. Who would have thought!?!?!?
I also posted a short video of Cole driving our lawn tractor in the backyard. This is proof of his progress right here. Cole has so many skills and so much to offer. Just look at my boy.
One a side note, please say prayers for my close friend and former job-share partner, Karla Rapp and her father, Kent Gerzema. They found out some sad and frightening news on Saturday. Kent was diagnosed with brain cancer and a tumor on his lung. They are an amazing family who could really use our support and prayers right now.
1 comment:
what an awesome video Shannon, just great!
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