Spring has made Cole one happy young man. I can't stress just how much Cole loves to be outside. He has been tilling with Grandpa Denny's mini-tiller. Cole has found just the spot in our yard where the grass never grows. He took it upon himself to start digging and tilling the dirt. It's made quite the mess, but that is ok with us! Cole has also been driving his battery-operated John Deere tractor around the yard. He thinks he's mowing it just like Dad does. He'll back up when Pat does and speed up and slow down to synch up with him. It's so cute to watch. We also go on tons of bike and scooter rides. The one challenge we are having is that Cole thinks it's ok for him to take off on his bike and ride the 1/8 mile up to the park in our neighborhood. He moves very fast and there have been a few times when he's "escaped". Luckily we are on top of the situation and we know where to find him.
Cole also loves to take me for walks in the woods. We are fortunate to have a big yard filled with tons of trees. Cole thinks it's a big woods and we walk all through the trees and brush, looking for deer, bunnies, squirrels and other fun things. It has been so nice to be able to let the boys play outside and enjoy the fun that comes with springtime.
What has been even better is Cole's ability to tell us what he wants to do. He asks to interact with us, to do what he's doing and what he's been up to. We marvel at how much his speech continues to progress. It is nothing short of miraculous. The other night I told Cole it was time for bed. He complied so well and when I kissed him goodnight, he looked at me and asked. "Are you going to go to bed, too?". I said, "Maybe in a little while.". Cole replied, "Maybe you'll go to bed at three?!" Cole has been having a lot of good conversations with our neighbor, Jared. He's asked Jared about his tractor, about when he plans to mow next and other "interesting" things. He greets Jared appropriately and other than the fact the conversation may not be socially appropriate, it is a good conversation from an expressive language standpoint. I could go on and on with examples... and there was a time when I couldn't imagine Cole saying, "I want juice."
Last weekend I had a great day with Cole. It was the 4th Annual MN Autism Center walk around Lake Calhoun. For those of you who recall last Saturday, the winds and temperature were both around 40. We bundled up in winter gear and headed to the lake. Pat left in the morning for a 4-day fishing trip up north, so the boys and I met up with other family members. It was so nice of them to come out on such a cold and blustery day to support Cole and MAC. Cole did AWESOME. We walked all the way around the lake, 3 miles to be exact! The first two miles were very hard. The wind was coming across the lake and slamming into us with water particles mixed in. Not one person complained, although I think the wind was too busy taking their breath away! We took turns pushing Ethan's stroller; I think that was Cole's favorite part. MAC had several stops set up around the lake and Cole would take it upon himself to greet the workers. Of coarse he knew them all by name. Soon enough, we made our way to the west side of the lake and it was like an entirely different day! The sun was shining and the winds were no longer pushing against us. We could not believe how well Cole did. For the first time, I didn't have to be stressed about him staying on the path and out of the water. He followed the group and really enjoyed himself. He even found a way to snuggle me while we were walking. I was so proud of him.
After the walk, we all went to Noodles & Co for lunch. Pat and I very seldom take Cole out to restaurants. It is simply too hard. I think we've done it maybe 1-2 times in the past year. Given the day Cole was having, I wanted to give it a try. We got our food and Cole sat with everyone at the table. Cole was incredibly well behaved. He sat nicely and patiently, eating his spaghetti. I had to spend more time keeping Connor in his seat than I did keeping Cole on task. That was a first!!! It was such a pleasant way to finish the walk.
Finally it was time to meet Haley the PCA. We met at the movie theater and Cole hopped in her car without hesitation. He did so, knowing she was going to drop him off at the respite house later in the afternoon. Cole had looked over his picture schedule a few times that week and he was well-prepared for the few days that were ahead. Thank God for BoardMaker!!!!
That night, Grandma Schusted watched Connor. I had some high school girl friends over for drinks and appetizers. It was so fun. We had a nice time catching up and enjoying ourselves. I picked up Connor early the next morning and took him to church; something we can't always do when Cole is home.
On Monday the weather was beautiful. Connor and I decided to go to Cole's Miracle League baseball game. I wasn't sure how Cole would react to seeing me there. I took the chance. He wasn't scheduled to come home from the respite house until Wednesday. I missed him and wanted to see him. Cole and Charolette from the house got to the game a little late, so I was in the stands when he arrived. Cole noticed me right away. He looked my way and gave me a wave. I went over and gave him a few hugs and kisses. He looked at me right away and said, "I'll see you on Wednesday. I'll come home Wednesday." WOW!!!
Sure enough, after the game we all walked out to our cars together. Cole gave us more hugs and kisses. He left with Charolette and didn't say one word about not being able to come home. I couldn't believe it. It tells me how much he must like the respite house and just how much those picture schedules help him.
Cole got home on Wednesday night and we've been having so much fun ever since. He has been so happy and cuddly. Cole and Connor even had a pretend sword fight today! He loves us all so much, it's so obvious. I wish I could put into words just how proud I am of my little boy. With the tools he has to work with, he has accomplished amazing things. Sure, we have a lot of challenges, but to see each little victory and improvement is more rewarding than anything I've ever done in my life. I'm so lucky to have that. Cole is my guy and I love him more than words could possibly convey.
Happy Memorial Day to all! Thanks to our dedicated troops.